Chalkpit Records

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Aisling Javis is reclaiming her voice in new single ‘Fade to Black’.

“It’s clear that music flows through this Irish singers veins and as she returns to her solo roots we can’t wait to see where her natural melodic instincts lead her.”

Releasing music under her own name for the first time in six-years, Aisling Javis is reclaiming her voice in new single ‘Fade to Black’.

Featuring Hvmmingbyrd and the Dublin-based producer-duo Kipunji, the track’s deceptively energetic start soon hushes into a soft bath of electronic indie. Taking its time to fill the sky with its castle of heavenly vocals and sultry synths, Jarvis is in complete control. Igniting the senses with her tonal sensibilities which softly remind the listener of London Grammar.

It’s clear that music flows through this Irish singers veins and as she returns to her solo roots we can’t wait to see where her natural melodic instincts lead her.

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