Self-Titled And Self Assured, Brendon Moon Returns With His Beatiful New Album.


“Brendon Moon is now reaping the rewards from all the hard work, and he deserves it all. ”

Self-titled and self-assured, Brendon Moon has returned with his beautiful self titled album, and it truly is a work of art. Hailing from the picturesque Whitsundays, Brendon Moon decided to relocate away and landed in Sydney where he wished to further pursue his musical career. His obsession with creating the desirable aural uniqueness has led him to develop a sound that is both delicate and alluring, but this by no means is a bad thing. In fact, it is quite the opposite. 

Brendon Moon’s self-titled album is a credit to the hard work that has gone into it. Between the dreamy, androgynous vocals, carefree melodies, and varied instrumental arrangements thoughts, the album is an excellent nod towards Brendon Moon’s unique and captivating musical style. Moon has also built up a notorious reputation of possessing a one-of-a-kind stage presence, and the crisp guitar notes are even more stunning live. Brendon Moon is now reaping the rewards from all the hard work, and he deserves it all. 

Listen & Follow - Brendon Moon on Spotify.

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