Chalkpit Records

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Diary’s latest single ‘Walking Backwards’ is a candid and upfront guitar-pop track.

“ ‘Walking Backwards’ a near-faultless sample of Indie-Pop/Rock goodness”

A wistful walk down memory lane with a dash of melancholy, Diary’s latest single ‘Walking Backwards’ is a candid and upfront guitar-pop track.

The Brooklyn-based quartet are renowned for their love of guitar music and this is kept no secret in ‘Walking Backwards’, as a symphony of layered guitar samples drives the track along and the inspiration the band take from the likes of R.E.M. gleams through these layers of sound. Percussively, the track is somewhat hyperactive, but this is offset by the cool and unflappable lead vocals of Kevin Bendis. Recorded during the depths of quarantine, lyrically the song centres itself on the feeling of reminiscing on old friends who are no longer around and the inescapable sense that the good times you once had may never happen again. But despite these gloomier sentiments, the guitar-centric foundations of the track never falter, making ‘Walking Backwards’ a near-faultless sample of Indie-Pop/Rock goodness.

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