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“Feel” the romantic nostalgia of Emmy’s newest chill-pop track.

“Whether you are feeling pensive, melancholy or just simply in awe of life, “Feel” is the perfect soundtrack to your turbulent emotions.”

“Feel” the romantic nostalgia of Emmy’s newest chill-pop track.

London-based chill-pop artist Emmy creates dreamy music for moments you can’t quite describe. With her debut track “Honey” appearing on an episode of Made in Chelsea and the follow up “Loops” being featured on BBC Introducing, it looks like Emmy has an exciting future ahead of her. Although her first two singles were three years apart, Emmy’s latest track – “Feel” – has come at the perfect time, capturing our collective feelings of nostalgia and self-reflection after a difficult moment in history.  

Opening with rain-drop-like synth chords, “Feel” coveys a nostalgic and ineffable atmosphere, reminiscent of the bitter-sweet feeling of disquiet on a stormy summer evening. Simple yet warm piano chords are the beating core of this romantic track, providing the base for Emmy’s caressing voice, while the ethereal hum of the backing vocals and echoes of a resonant bass ensure a palpably textured feel. Like cool layers of the finest silk, “Feel” pulls us into its lustrous embrace, allowing emotions old and new to rise to the surface of our consciousness. 

Whether you are feeling pensive, melancholy or just simply in awe of life, “Feel” is the perfect soundtrack to your turbulent emotions.

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Review Written By Lisa Kupreeva

'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'