Chalkpit Records

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Gabrielle Ornate is making waves with her debut single ‘The March of the Caterpillars’.

“Like something out of a fairy-tale, Gabriele Ornate has put her own boho spin on modern-day pop and if her debut single is anything to go by, she is certainly one to watch.”

Arriving onto the music scene in a kaleidoscopic, technicolour burst of sound, Gabrielle Ornate is making waves with her debut single ‘The March of the Caterpillars’.

This fantastical fable articulates notions of respecting where you’ve come from and honouring the genesis of life, taking the listener on a dive down into an ethereal world of bohemian pop/rock. There is an almost ineffable weightiness to the track in its sporadically rhythmic percussion and tempo changes, that draw the listener further and further into Gabrielle Ornate’s sonic sphere. That being said, ‘The March of the Caterpillars’ is still buoyant and elevating, with its larger-than-life soundscape of synthesisers, bejewelled with riffing bass and guitar, and propelled to extraordinary heights by Ornate’s powerful and compelling vocals.

Like something out of a fairy-tale, Gabriele Ornate has put her own boho spin on modern-day pop and if her debut single is anything to go by, she is certainly one to watch.

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