Jack Frohlich reminisces on his time in education in new single, ’School Boy’.


“Setting himself up as the Brummy manifestation of Tom Misch, Jack Frohlich is now very far from being just a schoolboy making music.”

Jack Frohlich reminisces on his time in education in new single, ’School Boy’.

A memoir of youth, Frohlich puts himself in the place of his younger self. Allowing him to contemplate the actions which likely plague him in bed at night and futilely poses questions into the veil of time. The second single to be taken from his upcoming EP, Silver Going Grey, it follows in its predecessor's footsteps. Moving with the pulsating energy of guitar and flowing lyrics from tale to tale within each verse.

Setting himself up as the Brummy manifestation of Tom Misch, Jack Frohlich is now very far from being just a schoolboy making music.

Listen & Follow - JACK FROHLICH - on Spotify.

Jack Frohlich, Category: Artist, Singles: Superhero, Doom Bar (The Bedroom Tape), The Illustrations, Top Tracks: Doom Bar (The Bedroom Tape), Superhero, Judgemental Glare, Adam, I Don't Want To Go, Biography: Jack Frohlich is a Birmingham based artist who encapsulates what it means to be a young adult.

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