Chalkpit Records

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Burning with afterglow, Josh Savage’s “Young Fools” is an ode to all things young, foolish and in love.

“Burning with afterglow, “Young Fools” is an ode to all things young, foolish and in love; radiating an infectious joy that is a bliss to listen to. ”

For Josh Savage, the word “love” feels much too corny and cliché, yet his new track – “Young Fools” – is the perfect embodiment of the dizzy dozy feeling of falling in love. 

The Berlin-based, France-raised, UK songwriter Josh Savage has been trotting the world, playing over 700 shows across 4 continents for an audience so astoundingly varied that it includes Dubai’s Royal Family. Pretty busy, right? Sadly, this tenacity and complete dedication to his craft left Josh with very little time to himself, or to his personal relationships, until one day this finally changed – in Paris. 

“Young Fools” is his reconciliation to the bewitching process of falling in love, a celebration of that luminous spark that emerges when a connection is formed. Inspired by an exchange of love-letters spanning half the globe, this track is delightfully heady and vivacious, with a chorus so catchy and tongue-in-cheek that you will find yourself mumbling it under your breath, sounding suspiciously like your disgruntled elderly uncle.  

Burning with afterglow, “Young Fools” is an ode to all things young, foolish and in love; radiating an infectious joy that is a bliss to listen to. 

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