Kev Olden releases a heartwrenching debut, 'Time We Have Left'
“Giving up his tech career and moving to Canada, we can only hope for more time with Kev Olden's music as he moves towards the release of a full EP this summer.”
Kev Olden releases a heartwrenching debut, 'Time We Have Left'
Following in the tradition of indie-folk artists who tear your soul open with only their guitar and falsetto-laced vocals, Kev breathes life into this track. Pumping it full of emotion just so it can explode into a climax of rumbling drums and echoes which etch themselves into your body.
As an artist who thankfully took a leap of faith at the start of the pandemic, giving up his tech career and moving to Canada, we can only hope for more time with Kev Olden's music as he moves towards the release of a full EP this summer.
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Review Written By Jennifer Pudney
'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'