Chalkpit Records

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‘Superglue is a head-boppy summer anthem, with the hopeful message of togetherness that we all want to hear right now, “We can’t run marathons alone”.’ 

Superglue is a head-boppy summer anthem, with the hopeful message of togetherness that we all want to hear right now, “We can’t run marathons alone”.  

With smatterings of Beatles-style harmonies and a walking Motown bassline, it’s got all the makings of a major earworm. Lead singer Laurence Morgan isn’t afraid to let you hear the lyrics, and they totally stand up to scrutiny. With lines like, “The ebb and flow of your one-man show/ Is a fight I know” it couldn’t feel more relevant to the current climate. 

Every part of this track is meticulously tight; a squeaky-clean record, it’s hard to fault the musicianship or song-writing, but I’m left feeling a bit frustrated. The production seems to have pedantically cut any breath, any guitar twang, any sign of the room it was recorded in, which leaves it sounding a bit sterile. Everything needs to be louder and less polite. That being said, the song is undoubtedly a hit that wants playing and replaying, which is all that really counts at the end of the day.

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