LAUTMALR’s latest track ‘Demons’ is a cinematic escapade that will chew you up and spit you out.


“Berlin-based electronic music producer LAUTMALR has created an experimental masterpiece that will leave you on the knife edge between discomfort and relief.”

An all-consuming exploration of the human abyss- LAUTMALR’s latest track ‘Demons’ is a cinematic escapade that will chew you up and spit you out.

Berlin-based electronic music producer LAUTMALR has created an experimental masterpiece that will leave you on the knife edge between discomfort and relief. There is a constant and somewhat unsettling swelling of sound from the outset, leaving the listener in almost painful anticipation for the sonic summit or compositional climax of the track. Although perhaps unnerving, this approach to music making is entirely intriguing and envelops the listener within its walls of sound- layer upon layer of synths fight to drown each other out, while over-compressions and reverb howl their way to the surface from the depths of noise. This eerie composition, along with its accompanying music video, aims to reflect the conflicting polarities within every person and the darkness and vice that we all aim to vanquish, but that might be the very things to temper us.

Listen & Follow - LAUTMALR - on Spotify.

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