Sweet and fragrant, Lavender Honey bathe your senses in their new single ‘Need Your Love’
“A stunning debut for this follower of Day Glow’s emotional lo-fi cult, it’s undeniable that there is so much left to see from this new artist.”
Sweet and fragrant, Lavender Honey bathe your senses in their new single ‘Need Your Love’
Asking for the inevitable, this project of Daniel Thompson is a breathless requiem of lost love. Fighting demons with speckled stars of synth and the rare guitar-fuelled eclipse, the single engulfs you. Twisting around your body and soul until only the music exists.
A stunning debut for this follower of Day Glow’s emotional lo-fi cult, it’s undeniable that there is so much left to see from this new artist.
Listen & Follow - LAVENDER HONEY - on Spotify.
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Review Written By Jennifer Pudney
'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'