The intriguing capacities of A.I. are showcased through experimental indie pop hit ‘Dreamland’ 

”It seems a new age of songwriting has dawned. ‘Dreamland’ explores the inner workings of robots and questions what it is to create.”

The intriguing capacities of A.I. are showcased through experimental indie pop hit ‘Dreamland’ 

It’s long been hypothesised that the countdown to AI domination has begun. In a society increasingly reliant on forms of technology - where human connections are forged in the virtual and maintained through the digital – it’s no secret that the endless potential of binary code poses an anxious threat to the cellular limitations of life. But who knew the takeover would sound this good? Meet Lucy Dreams: a genre-defying, explosive dreampop trio from Vienna, whose latest track ‘Dreamland’ blurs the comfortable boundaries between sequence and spontaneity. Producers David Reiterer and Philipp Prückl are accompanied by Lucy, the final member and namesake of the group. She’s a talented musician, effortlessly weaving ethereal lands together through echoing melodies and floating synths. She’s also A.I., birthed through the technical competencies of her bandmate fathers. Her lyricism is informed (and directly generated from) literary artists James Joyce and Kazuo Ishiguro, and through the technical brilliance of her creators she “dreams her own sonic sphere” and is constantly self-improving.

It seems a new age of songwriting has dawned. ‘Dreamland’ explores the inner workings of robots and questions what it is to create.

Listen & Follow - LUCY DREAMS - on Spotify.

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