Chalkpit Records

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Storming through your soul, Maud’s sophomore single, ‘Bad Things’, reveals she is doing far from bad for you.

“With a debut album planned for 2021, one thing is for sure. This will not be the last time you’ll be swept up in Maud’s monsoon of electronic.”

Storming through your soul, Maud’s sophomore single, ‘Bad Things’, reveals she is doing far from bad for you.

Moving over a sea of consciousness, prepping for battle with deep synths and lightning-fast lyrics, this is Northern Norway’s Maud’s electronic tempest. Switching its deep textures like the wind absentmindedly changed its direction, the clouds darken to fall with the chorus’ mesmerising mantra for health. Nudging herself to feel better to facilitate her darker actions. More radiant than her debut single ‘Real’, this track is Maud coming into her own: finding an intoxicatingly unique sound which devastates everything its audio waves hits.

With a debut album planned for 2021, one thing is for sure. This will not be the last time you’ll be swept up in Maud’s monsoon of electronic.

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