Ray Aley joins forces with Mckala Cass to revel in the end within their new single, 'Apocalyptic Bliss'.
“Written in Nashville, TN, the duo find a sense of solace in the chaos which we all do with embracing.”
Ray Aley joins forces with Mckala Cass to revel in the end within their new single, 'Apocalyptic Bliss'.
From muddling through an undergrowth of distortion, the track bursts free into Aley's wobbling synthetic world. Stitched together from shooting stars and consistent synths, Cass' smooth voice guides you through the expansive world of love in the apocalypse.
Written in Nashville, TN, the duo find a sense of solace in the chaos which we all do with embracing.
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Review Written By Jennifer Pudney
'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'