Chalkpit Records

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‘The new single is four minutes of anthemic choruses, driving beats, and chart worthy melodies, destined for those summers spent with fields with your mates.’

The band has been able to channel the sound of indie counterparts - Vistas, Circa Waves, and Inhaler with the added sparkle of the bands catchy, anthemic, and driving melodies. A band that would have made a big impact on the festival circuit this summer is not allowing a pandemic to stop them from pushing their musical careers forward. Their new double AA is a true testament to the band's enthusiasm and drives for musical excellence.

The band explains that: ‘The track is raw, gritty in sound and is more rock-driven than some of the previous releases and a fan favorite at their live show. The new single is four minutes of anthemic choruses, driving beats, and chart worthy melodies, destined for those summers spent with fields with your mates.

Get it on loud and proud - it is a bloody belter of a release.

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