Chalkpit Records

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TwentyTwenty’s latest track ‘Radiate’ aims to elevate the spirits of all of us left a little bit downcast after the past year’s events.

“A form of therapy for both musician and listener, the winter release of this vibrant, sunshine-infused track could not be timelier.”

Created as an antidote to lockdown blues, TwentyTwenty’s latest track ‘Radiate’ aims to elevate the spirits of all of us left a little bit downcast after the past year’s events.

The Liverpool-based trio have come together and created an energetic and unique sound in their fusion of an eclectic mix of musical influences ranging from the likes of Tame Impala to The Killers. The subsequent result is an incredibly bright and dynamic sound comprised of ridiculously catchy hooks and textured arrangements, which evidences the group’s experimental approach to music making and their progression and development in creating their self-styled ‘scouse synth-pop’ sound. Despite this experimentation however, ‘Radiate’ is still a highly polished track and demonstrates each member’s musical prowess. 

A form of therapy for both musician and listener, the winter release of this vibrant, sunshine-infused track could not be timelier.

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