Brisbane duo Alta Falls release their second single ‘Into You’, an 80s-inspired nod to new relationships

” ‘Into You’ speaks to the insecurities of humanity, and – most importantly – the innate impulses within that remind us to go for it anyway. ”

Brisbane duo Alta Falls release their second single ‘Into You’, an 80s-inspired nod to new relationships

There’s a modest confidence to ‘Into You’ – a sentiment no doubt originating from the authenticity of its content. It’s a song “about the coming together of two unlikely misfits”, explain the Brisbane duo, “There’s a feeling of anticipation, excitement, and hope, but also a certain level of fear – maybe they don’t feel the same way?” Metallic synth-pop is well-complemented by the emphatic pacing of percussion, underscoring the track with a sense of urgency captured by the synaptic adventures of new love. ‘Into You’ speaks to the insecurities of humanity, and – most importantly – the innate impulses within that remind us to go for it anyway. 

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