Meet Little Fuzz and their playful debut EP “Hazy”.


“Somewhere between early 10s indie and the artiness of 80s alternative rock, “Hazy” isn’t afraid to play around with sound and mood, creating a multifaceted sonic experience that is full of surprises. ”

Meet Little Fuzz and their playful debut EP “Hazy”.

Boston based Little Fuzz met while studying abroad in Spain. After bonding over shared love for cheap wine and artistic creativity, the duo embarked on their music journey, striving to create music that blends innovative production methods and strong narrative elements. With only their tracks out in the world, Little Fuzz have garnered widespread attention from a number of indie music blogs, prompting them to release their debut EP “Hazy”.

The EP takes us on a journey through Little Fuzz’s eclectic artistry. Beginning with the edgy and attitude laden “Watch Out”, it moves into the more classically synth-pop track “Human of the Century”, swapping distorted textures and DIY aesthetics for some cinematic 80s synths and airy vocals breathing out introspective lyric. The title track, “Hazy” is yet another experiment in genre, embracing more chilled, psychedelic vibes with its surfy guitars and echoing drums. Eventually we come full circle with “Too Close For Comfort”, which blends together the rougher sonic elements of the EP with some shining, bubbly synths. 

Somewhere between early 10s indie and the artiness of 80s alternative rock, “Hazy” isn’t afraid to play around with sound and mood, creating a multifaceted sonic experience that is full of surprises. 

Listen & Follow - LITTLE FUSS - on Spotify.

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Review Written By Liza Kupreeva


'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'


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