Classically modern, Picture The Scene spit out ‘Big Boy’, the first single since their debut EP.

PICTURE THE SCENE Big Boy - Chalkpit Records.jpg

You better keep an eye out for the band’s new direction as they look to release a new single every six weeks for the next year.

Classically modern, Picture The Scene spit out ‘Big Boy’, the first single since their debut EP.

The undeniable lovechild of The Streets and Arctic Monkeys, this London-based band move with a lyrical intensity into a pit of furious indie rock. Smashing eardrums and tingling the skin, Picture The Scene feel quintessentially British in only the best way as they try to lyrically bring an end to a toxic relationship.

Marking an end of an era for the band, you better keep an eye out for the band’s new direction as they look to release a new single every six weeks for the next year.

Listen & Follow - PICTURE THE SCENE - on Spotify.

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Review Written By Jennifer Pudney


'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'


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