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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black

A dreamy, folk-tinged, neo-soul gift to our ears- debut EP from Maya Law, ‘Hitchhiking’, is a veritable joy to listen to.

Hailing from Norfolk, England, Law’s sound reflects the expansive surroundings in which she grew up, with ‘Hitchhiking’ serving as the perfect preface to her honing of her musical craft. Her exquisite, sultry vocals ooze over the track like melted butter and are arranged simply, yet stunningly over layers of R&B percussion and acoustic guitar.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black

With all the heart and soul of country and the catchiness and vibrancy of pop, Caroline Richardson is back with her latest single ‘Goldmine’.

The Texan-born singer-songwriter has once again mastered the art of combining profound and poetic lyrics, with light and joyful beats that will leave listeners invigorated and liberated. This magical mishmash is something Richardson has derived from one of her biggest modern-day inspirations, Maggie Rogers, yet in doing so she has still managed to create a sound that is entirely unique and her own.

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