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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Einsam questions reality in his existential electro-post-punk track ‘At Eye Level’.

For the past four years, Bristol-born producer and songwriter Sam Jackson has been living and working in Vienna. The name of his solo project, Einsam – meaning solitary – is a tribute to Sam’s feeling of displacement and solipsism, and strives to explore the self though the medium of music. Having released three introductory single, Einsam is ready to launch his debut EP, Samantics, which will take an even deeper dive into themes of solitude, anxiety and existence.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ben Broyd Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ben Broyd

Einsam Means Solidarity, And This Is What Is Needed When Going Solo

The German word Einsam translates into English as ‘Solidarity’, and this is exactly the mentality needed when setting out on a solo project for yourself. A producer and songwriter from Bristol, the work of Einsam has been long in the pipeline. Einsam spent four years living in Vienna working on this project, and now he is really reaping the benefits of the past four years as he releases his most recent single. The collection of songs were all first written and recorded in Vienna, and on return to England further developed.

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