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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Everdeen drags you from the street and onto a dance floor with their new single, ‘Heart Shaped Gutter’.

An explosive track taken from their debut album, Stay, this German quartet is here to showcase exactly what they do best. Unstoppable in both beat and rhythm, the band ignite the distance between London Grammar and Foals with a flammable sound. Burning all that was once melancholic for spiralling riffs, precise bass and screams of adoration. 

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Embrace the darkness of the night with Everdeen’s spectral track “Don’t Give Up The Ghost”.

Stuttgart-based indie rock quartet Everdeen make music for indie dreamers and moody escapists, combining a romantic sensibility with spiritedness of post-punk. “Don’t Give Up The Ghost” is the lead single off their upcoming debut album “Stay”, which promises to be a bolder and even more poignant amalgamation of their previous work. Striving to explore new horizons and to capture the uncapturable, this collection of tracks looks to build a singular, ghostly world of its own, full of dreams, desires and ecstasies. 

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