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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Hyooman manipulates time with their latest single, ‘Month End’.

Helping you push away the walls of your anxiety with a little help from the track's persistent bass, this Minneapolis five-piece use the friction between lyrics and instrumental to slow your mind. Mixing words that spill from the mouth of a power-hungry imaginary boss with a sound bath of whirling lo-fi.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Matthew Sedman Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Matthew Sedman

Hyooman burst onto the scene with indie rock debut ‘Half Brain’

There’s a lot to be said for a debut single. As a band’s first impression on the world it sets the tone for an artist’s creative tastes and abilities. If ‘Half Brain’ is anything to go by, exciting things lie ahead for Minneapolis-based Hyooman. Full-bodied guitar riffs collide gloriously with emphatic drums in celebration of classic indie rock.

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