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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Listen up for “Telephone”, the indie-hip-hop fusion from JV/ZUU.

JV/ZUU are too cool for you – they are risktakers and affirmed innovators, writing ¾ of their EP with only a Korg sampler and an acoustic drum kit. This avant-garde duo is hellbent on pushing the boundaries of the music scene, both sonically and commercially. Embracing the blockchain/cryptocurrency phenomenon, they have issued pieces of their album art as NFTs and are hence the first music act in the world to give away a share of their royalties to their fans. 

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black

Musical forces ZUU and Johnny Voltik collide and produce a slice of sonic goodness with debut single ‘The Drip’

Having been unable to continue with ‘business as usual’ in light of the pandemic, tour manager and mix engineer ZUU and Rap artist Johnny Voltik have teamed up in the studio to flex their musical prowess and create what can only be described as an absolute beat. ‘The Drip’ is a mere sign of greater things to come from this new and exciting collaboration and will have you hooked within seconds. 

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