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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Madison Denver leads a new generation of female rock with her defiant track ‘C U in Hell’. 

Embodying a defiant attitude that all of us wish we could pull off, ‘C U in Hell’ is the ultimate break up song. Lead by rough, driving guitars, hissing sneers and bouncing beats, this track radiates confidence and new found self-assurance. The distorted textures and emotive chaos hark back to the pop-punk sound of emo teen-favourite Paramore, while also inserting some modernity in the form of acrid spoken bridge. Madison’s gritty vocals swell above the noise, potent with their provocative lyrics and assertive outspokenness. 

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

A ball of angst channelled into delectable indie rock, Madison Deaver charms all who listen with her new single ‘Entertained’.

The perfect single for anyone who hasn’t been able to shake Olivia Rodrigo’s ‘good 4 u’ from their head, this LA-based artist answers questions which rattle through her mind. Providing thoughtful answers for the world with the help of her soaring vocals and spluttering guitar. Made, as all good riotous tracks do, as a result of heartbreak, this single breaks from her ska routes. Allowing her to set her sights on a darker world of indie.

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