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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Meggie Brown shares somnambulant music video for their magical single “Angel Like You”.

Named as one of The Guardian’s ‘Artists of 2020’ and adored by Iggy Pop, Meggie Brown is a force to be reckoned with. Their intelligent, sonically amorphous song-writing has the uncanny power to feel both familiar and elusive, gliding somewhere just beyond our reach. Their upcoming EP will explore the complexities of identity, focusing specifically on their own Transgender identity and the surreal nature of existence. 

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

“Dusty Smells” is in this season, thanks to Meggie Brown’s spellbinding track.

Named one of The Guardian’s ‘Artists for 2020’, Meggie Brown is well deserving of this title. Their music is not only innovative and idiosyncratic but stands as a vivid reflection of our age and its concerns. Written during the isolating and claustrophobic times of lockdown, Meggie’s upcoming EP “Home” is the product of deep inner-search and reconciliation with their Transgender identity, striving to sonically capture the non-binary nature of their experience. 

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