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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Miakie presents her sparkling and emotionally honest debut single, ‘Resonating’.

Hailing from Dunedin, New Zealand, singer/songwriter Mia Söhnge has been releasing music under the stage name Mia Jay since 2019, scoring two EPs and a two national tours in the process. Now, in her new guise as Miakie, Mia seeks to move away from the indie-folk scene, instead embracing a more pop-facing direction. Miakie’s new moniker pays tribute to her childhood nickname and signals a return to introspection and narrative-focused song-writing, while her debut single ‘Resonating’ looks forward to a forthcoming EP made in collaboration with Devin Abrams.

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