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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Ocean Flaws are searching for reality in their third single of the year, ‘Hologram’.

The tale of a girl from Hackney who falls in love with a sex doll, the Essex-based band continue their narrative releases to comment on the modern age’s lack of intimacy. A message emphasised through a cacophony of heady synths and pervasive percussion, the band thrive as they travel through waves of indie-pop.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black

Ocean Flaws offer up yet another serving of Indie-Rock goodness with their latest single ‘Touching Down’.

You’d be forgiven for thinking you were about to embark on a sonic spree back to the 80s with the track’s synth-studded intro, but Ocean Flaws draw us straight back to the 21st century with their uplifting, 80s-inspired, indie-rock banger. The band take their lyrical inspiration from the crippling detachment borne out of months of quarantine and parcel it up in an elevating and ever-so nostalgic indie-rock shell, staking their claim in the ring of pandemic-related artistic self-expression.

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