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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Welcome everyone to the party that is Pattern Pusher. The kingpins of the South West live music scene.

Welcome everyone to the party that is Pattern Pusher. Pattern Pusher are an energetic funk-soul three piece from the South West, and not only this, Sarah Gosling of BBC Introducing South & West titled them as the kingpins of the live music scene. Together, they create uplifting, inspiring and optimistic music that is smashing the boundaries in a world that is crying out for positivity. Prior to the UK’s initial lockdown, they had just won the Glastonbury Pilton competition, played in front of 8,000 people, supported Wolf Alice and smashed the festival season, but now the world is opening up again, we’re expecting to see a lot more of these guys. And that is excellent news.

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