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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Mad, bad and dangerous to know; ‘Hurricane Man’ is Tash’s ode to volatile love.

Fronted by bassist and vocalist Tara Noble, TASH are a Brighton/London act with oodles of attitude and guitar-laden sound. Angsty, chaotic and packing an emotional punch, their music explores the difficulties of relationships and expectations, injecting the sound of weighty alt-rock with modern pop sensibility. Inspired by acts such as Wolf Alice and Royal Blood, TASH seek to push the boundaries of rock, ready to shock and surprise all who may listen.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ottilie Black

Angsty, ballsy and empowering- TASH’s latest single ‘Chase’ is a modern rock ode to shaking off our demons and embracing our true selves.

The track bears TASH’s trademark jagged guitar hooks and percussion with attitude, whilst threading a deeper and more poignant lyrical thread. Opening with an almost dystopian ticking of sound, it’s not long before TASH ‘unleash the beast’ and launch into a punchy and no-nonsense track that doesn’t let up. Lyrically, the band profess the power we can find in our inner struggles; although there may be some comfort in the familiarity of dark places and demons, there is a fight in everyone strong enough to break away and tackle life on your own terms.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Modern rockers TASH explore the punkier facets of their sound in their latest single ‘CRYBABY’.

A call to arms to rid ourselves of outdated gender norms and the preposterous notion that ‘boys don’t cry’, ‘CRYBABY’ is something of a battle cry, laced with gritty, jagged guitar riffs and bad-ass female lead vocals to deliver this important message all the more powerfully. Paired with an equally punchy music video, the track conveys the exasperation of being in a relationship when the male counterpart simply won’t show emotion. Walls of sound surge forward in desperation, to eek even just one tear from the eyes of men left emotionally stunted by centuries of idiotic gender stereotypes. 

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