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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Volleyball are back with a transcendent new single, ‘Nosediiv’.

Pulling you into their signature dream state, this almost completely instrumental track is the reprieve your body is craving. Reformulating throughout the track itself, it mirrors a memory changing and morphing over time. Texturally shedding its skin within its brief two-and-a-half-minute lifespan, the track welcomes the death of love and the start of something new for the four-piece.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Sliding into paradise, Volleyball’s latest single ‘Paradisco’ summons you to find your inner peace.

Following up their debut single, ‘Slide’, this indie gem pushes you to search for a calm sanctuary within a tumultuous mind. Pushing synapses of energy together through explosive guitar riffs, this track travels through a landscape of emotions. Joining with the vocals, synth and drums to pulsate through your body as one. Replacing your heartbeat and giving you a sense of longing upon the song’s conclusion.

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