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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

A dream made a reality, Elison release their sophomore single, ‘Hope & Horoscopes’.

Having never played an instrument before the pandemic, singer Marissa conquers the unknown with the help of producer Scott. A meeting that feels almost manifested, the duo unlock parts of themselves previously hidden. With a second single breaking free from desperate melancholy, they ask you to free-fall in the hope of discovering something spectacular.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Elison share their spellbinding debut single ‘Meet Me Halfway’.

A lockdown success story, Elison came into being when Marissa Kephart fulfilled her lifetime dream and began to take voice and guitar lessons from Scott Yoshimura. The duo quickly formed a creative partnership, blending together Marissa’s vulnerability and early song-writing prowess with Scott’s experience and technical know-how. ‘Meet Me Halfway’ is their debut track, but it already feels like a product of a seasoned collaborative effort. With such a glorious beginning, it is exciting to see what Elison have next in store.

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