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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Polydrive are on the path to become one of the best self-produced young bands to come out of the US.

Throughout our lives, our favourite bands shape our personalities. Becoming the soundtrack to months, years or decades of your life until they become attached to something you want to forget. This is what Polydrive explore in their latest single, ‘Favorite Band’. Asking you to swap out your favourite artist for this sibling duo, they blend a nighttime drive’s reflection with a combination of LANY and The 1975 in a perfectly produced indie wormhole.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Wotts are bringing a taste of the ‘Sunnyside’ to brighten the cold autumn nights.

Canadian alternative duo Watts are not afraid to experiment with sound and mood. Determined to constantly evolve and grow, vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Jayem and guitarist Ricky 100 are moving away from their hip-hop beginnings towards a more indie-pop sound. The resulting fusion of genres is a kaleidoscopic explosion, sure to elicit a full-hearted emotional response that the band are looking for. Watts’s latest track, ‘Sunnyside’, comes hot on the heels of the album Colonies, and looks towards a string of impeding releases that will continue their genre-bending journey. 

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Tom Baird explores the nooks of memory in his ghostly track ‘Spook’. 

Despite being only 23 years old, Tom Baird has plenty of song-writing and performing experience under his belt. From intimate pop-up gigs and street-side busking, to sold out bills at some of London’s best venues, Baird plugs away at bis craft with tenacity and great artistic integrity. Inspired by a myriad of influences, from soul and folk to experimental rock, his sound is eclectic and technical yet also profoundly sincere, reflecting the cathartic nature of his song-writing prowess  

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