Taylor B-W is turning back time to reimagine 90s pop hop in her new single, 'I'm So Broke'. 

“A forceful new step for this Sydney based artist, Taylor B-W will lock you into her soundscape and never let you go.”

An artist who is bursting to capture your attention, Taylor B-W is turning back time to reimagine 90s pop hop in her new single, 'I'm So Broke'. 

Following in the footsteps of her previous release ‘Nunchucks’, this shimmering bubble of strength will immediately have you moving in time with its crushing percussion. Paired with lyrics that skip through the minefield of depression following a loss of income that naturally came with the pandemic, it's utterly intoxicating.

A forceful new step for this Sydney based artist, Taylor B-W will lock you into her soundscape and never let you go.

Listen & Follow - TAYLOR B-W - on Spotify.

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Review Written By Jennifer Pudney


'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'



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