Joshua Zero announces first single of upcoming EP; a gritty diary of his time spent in New York

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“Deliberately fast-paced, the track mirrors the inconsistencies of life. “Much like New York, there’s no room to dwell at this speed”. ‘Your Eyes Are Fighting’” is a toothless smile to the irony of it all”. ”

Joshua Zero announces first single of upcoming EP; a gritty diary of his time spent in New York

With a research period spent in the pubs and streets of New York, it perhaps comes as no surprise that ‘Your Eyes Are Fighting’ follows its own rules. For the city that never sleeps, the rhythms of metropolis don’t fit into the neat confines of expectation, and neither does ‘Your Eyes Are Fighting’. It opens with a lone riff, immediately exploding into Joshua Zero’s piercing rock vocals. Changes in tempo and genre are unexpected, taking the track in a number of different directions. Joshua Zero’s panting suffices lyrically in one moment, before cascading into a cacophony of guitar lines and drums that envelope you in noise. “Your gaze is frightening me”, he screams in glorious tribute to days of hardcore punk rock.

Deliberately fast-paced, the track mirrors the inconsistencies of life. “Much like New York, there’s no room to dwell at this speed”. ‘Your Eyes Are Fighting’” is a toothless smile to the irony of it all”. 

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Review Written By Matt Sedman


'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'


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