‘Yom Tov’ Translated Means ‘A Good Day’, And Liush Is Providing Plenty of Them.


When you listen to Yom Tov, regardless of how you are feeling, you certainly will be in for a good day.

Yom Tov translated into English means ‘A good day’, and Liush has that perfect way of encapsulating good days into his music. There is a long thought process behind Liush’s music, and his latest single ‘Yom Tov’ is no different. The concept of the song covers the fact that we all have good days, and we all have bad days, but the song tells us we must appreciate both. Fans of Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, and Nick Drake will be huge fans of Liush.

Liush is an already very accomplished artist in this sense, understanding the musical landscapes to the point where he can capture a whole mood into such a small space of time. ‘Yom Tov’ is beautifully acoustic, you can hear Liush’s fingers change chords, which only adds to the dreamy and atmospheric tone of his voice. When you listen to Yom Tov, regardless of how you are feeling, you certainly will be in for a good day.

Listen & Follow - Liush on Spotify.

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