Chalkpit Records

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“Dusty Smells” is in this season, thanks to Meggie Brown’s spellbinding track.

“Not to be overlooked or undervalued. “Dusty Smells” is one gem of a track and a thing of understated beauty. ”

“Dusty Smells” is in this season, thanks to Meggie Brown’s spellbinding track.

Named one of The Guardian’s ‘Artists for 2020’, Meggie Brown is well deserving of this title. Their music is not only innovative and idiosyncratic but stands as a vivid reflection of our age and its concerns. Written during the isolating and claustrophobic times of lockdown, Meggie’s upcoming EP “Home” is the product of deep inner-search and reconciliation with their Transgender identity, striving to sonically capture the non-binary nature of their experience. 

Don’t be dissuaded by the title, for “Dusty Smells” is one hell of a catchy track. Despite the moody guitars, a distinctly post-punk base and a monotonous drum machine forming the main base of the song, the starkness of the sound is enriched with simple, yet vivid imagery that is sure to get under your skin. Meggie’s resonantly enunciated lyrics are spoken almost in a monotone with subject matter and delivery reminiscent of Dry Cleaning’s Florence Shaw. Paradoxically, they are full of life, or more precisely of all the things that surround us every day and yet remain invisible. 

Not to be overlooked or undervalued. “Dusty Smells” is one gem of a track and a thing of understated beauty. 

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Review Written By Lisa Kupreeva

'This coverage was created via Musosoup via the #sustainablecurator movement, learn about this here'