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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Liza Kupreeva

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with Saint Samuel’s debut EP.

Previously known as Sam McCoig, Saint Samuel is an emerging Virginia-based genre-defying artist. Throughout the pandemic, Saint Samuel has been hard at work writing his eponymous debut EP and rediscovering himself as an artist. Unable to get to the studio, he was forced to rely exclusively on himself and his own environment, resulting in a very personal and congruent musical output. 

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney

Saint Samuel’s latest single ‘On a Wire’ will have listeners hooked after just one listen.

Returning to the music scene under new moniker Saint Samuel, producer, singer and songwriter Sam McCoig is pushing musical boundaries like never before. After 10 years spent on the local music scene in Virginia, the artist has very nearly entirely transformed his approach to music, condensing layers and layers of sound and packing them neatly into his latest track.

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