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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Matthew Sedman Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Matthew Sedman

Hongza offers intuitive glimpse into contemporary politics with visceral EP ‘Gen Z’

 Through unapologetic celebration of indie rock, ‘Gen Z’ is a nostalgic take on what self-identity would mean without the validation of social media. The EP opens with ‘Cure Me’, a full-bodied, guitar-laden examination of falling in love. “I’m so broken”, he sings, speaking to the insecurities of the self-aware generation. Electric feedback rings out in glorious tribute to the lo-fi imperfections of live music.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ben Broyd Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Ben Broyd

British-Vietnamese pop outfit Hongza with their new single ‘Accolades’ will bring them exactly that. It is that good. 

Hongza’s sophomore release ‘December’ claims the winter month as the ambient season for heartbreak. The fraternal twin to the North Londoner’s pained debut single ‘Gone’, this latest release is a shoegaze self-reflection on the actions which led to the end of his relationship. Cathartic in the most melancholic fashion, Hongza’s reverberating voice is enchanting.

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Silas Gregory Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Silas Gregory

VIDEO PREMIERE - Rising Indie-Pop Newcomer Hongza is back with rework of Iconic Harry Style’s Track ‘Cherry’.

Sam Hong (‘Hongza’) is back with a stunning rendition and reimagine of Harry Style’s ‘Cherry’. Hongza makes the track his own, creating a truly euphoric dream-pop hit. The track is rapped in beautiful soundscape of ambient reverberation and heart-rendering textures. This is a unique listening experience and immerses you into the world of Hongza and all the exciting things that are just on the horizon for him and the project. 

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Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney Music Review, Independent Music, New Music Jennifer Pudney


Hongza’s sophomore release ‘December’ claims the winter month as the ambient season for heartbreak. The fraternal twin to the North Londoner’s pained debut single ‘Gone’, this latest release is a shoegaze self-reflection on the actions which led to the end of his relationship. Cathartic in the most melancholic fashion, Hongza’s reverberating voice is enchanting.

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